15 Questions Many Professionals Aren’t Brave Enough to Ask or Answer
2 min readJul 20, 2021
Review these and see how many questions you could, and would answer.
- What is the current absence rate at your organization, and what trends have you noticed?
- What is the average number of vacation days left unused at your organization?
- How are your company values demonstrated, and can you cite an example of a time when you prioritized those values over a lucrative economic result?
- What has been the trend in your team’s unplanned turnover rate over the last three years?
- How has the pay disparity (including bonuses) between the executive team and the lowest-paid tier of employees trended over the last five years?
- When was the last time you measured customer engagement, and what were the results?
- When was the last time you measured employee engagement, and what were the results?
- Are any employees currently serving in a role that you have not yet trained them in nor adequately compensated for their change in responsibilities?
- What is the reason for leaving most cited by your former employees?
- What was the biggest challenge the leadership team has recently faced or is currently facing, and what have they learned?
- What percentage of revenue does your largest customer contribute to the business?
- Do you have the answers to the previous eleven questions?
- Do your employees know these answers, and if so, would they be generally consistent across the organization?
- If a prospective candidate for hire asked three or more of these questions during an interview, would you answer them?
- Reflecting on your answers to questions 12–14, what does that say about your leadership?
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Boston-bred and California-chilled, Karl Bimshas is a leadership consultant, author, and podcast host who collaborates with busy professionals to improve the working relationships with their colleagues and direct reports to create high-performing teams. His latest project is a series of leadership workbooks available at LeadershipWorkbooks.com