Justice and Fairness
Justice and fairness are the first essentials for handling people successfully, yet we often see leaders who give them no consideration. Human nature demands fair play and gives its best response only in that atmosphere. We have to recognize that our best advances in civilization and community living have been based on a philosophy that acknowledges how the natural impulses of humankind react to fair dealing and decent treatment.
Successful organizations run on the fundamental proposition that ninety percent of humankind are good and will do good work when confidence is shown in their good intentions. Their organization’s working rules are accordingly made to fit the significant majority rather than the ten percent minority. Unfortunately, in many organizations rules have generally been made to fit the few weaklings who are not strong enough to play fair, while the significant majority have had to be cramped in their freedom because of the ignorance of these few. This common problem in organizations is distinctly arbitrary, unjust, and indicates unfitness for leadership.
This same spirit of indifference to the good people’s well-being in making efforts to control the shiftless is found in every business and walk of life. The point is that better results are obtained by showing confidence in good intentions, allowing more freedom of action, and controlling the meaner spirits through education, elimination, and the spirit and example of their coworkers. Remember that fitness for good leadership is proven by arousing an enthusiasm that makes people want to give their all. It is not shown by control through arbitrary methods. Any fool can create rules which practically reduce their people to a state of serfdom.
You will encounter all kinds of situations in which to show fairness. It is impossible to anticipate them with rules, but you may be successful by practicing continued determination not to act in passion or impatience and to judge each case fairly with consideration for all. In doing this, you will arrive at the best solutions. Remember that your final decisions must help develop individual character and group discipline.
Misconduct — Fault of Leader
Where you find recurring cases of insubordination or indifference of good work, you will generally find that the cause for it lies in the presence of a leader who is not good enough for the job. People typically start any job with good intentions. If many things go wrong on a team, the answer is assured that there is something wrong with its leader. Likewise, where leaders find themselves unable to maintain discipline, they may seek the cause within themselves. When you hear statements like, “I’ve got the worst team. No one could do anything with them.” it is an admission of the leader’s unfitness. People run about the same, are subject to the same instincts, and are controlled by the same general principles. The same group of people who were all but anarchists under a hard-headed, narrow-minded manager can become one of the best-disciplined teams of the whole organization under a few weeks of new leadership, which embodied fairness, principles, and decency in handling people. The lesson is straightforward to the person who wants to be a good leader and the employer who wants their managers to get good results.
Read more of “Welcome to Leadership: Practical Elements and Requirements of Leadership” here => https://www.bimshasconsulting.com/welcome-to-leadership/
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