Leadership Surrounds You
My best teachers, my best professors, and some of my best mentors have been women.
The best managers throughout my career have been women.
My very best employees have been women.
Some of my greatest advocates and supporters of what I write, create, and promote, have been women.
The vast majority of my clients, referrals, and friends are fierce, independent, strong-willed women.
Women, like water, are fluid, adaptable, transformative, refreshing, roaring, and calming.
That sounds like leadership.
The women I know succeed no matter the scarcity of resources, unequal footing, ridicule, and abuse from the ignorant and fearful. In my experience, women win, despite the odds; given time, they win.
Still, it would be better for us all if you didn’t force them to clear the hurdles that trip you up.
It would be smarter if you helped to build women up instead of wasting energy trying to tear them down because in the unlikely event you succeed in that pursuit, we are all diminished.
It’s better to be a partner and ally, not an adversary. If for no other reason, and there are scores of outstanding ones, follow a sensible and practical truism; when a woman is happy, everyone is happy, when a woman isn’t happy, no one’s happy.
Do what you can to make things better for everyone.
Originally published at https://www.bimshasconsulting.com on March 8, 2021.