Self-Respect and Pride in Leadership
Maintaining self-respect and fostering pride are crucial for leaders and their teams. Self-respect is the foundation for self-confidence and essential for individuals to fulfill their roles successfully. If you want efficient progress, each team member must be allowed to make decisions without hesitation and take action. They should possess enough self-confidence to avoid constantly seeking guidance and evading responsibility.
In the Role of a Leader
As a leader, upholding your self-respect through your daily interactions with life, your team, and the conduct within your role is vital. Your relationships with your bosses and peers, your expertise in your position, your ability to control your emotions such as anger, frivolity, and pettiness, and your methods of directing and managing work all contribute to and reflect your self-respect. Recognize that you are supposed to be more competent in your job than any team member. Your aim is to inspire them, not make excuses for yourself. Superior knowledge and moral qualities determine your fitness for leadership. It is not external factors such as appearance, age, race, or gender that define a leader, but rather the qualities that emanate from within.
In the context of the Team
If your team does not believe in themselves or sense your belief in them, they will hesitate to make decisions and act due to fear of failure and its consequences. You foster their self-respect by demonstrating confidence in their abilities, acknowledging them as individuals, and providing encouragement, commendation for good work, and constructive feedback for improvement. This solid foundation of self-respect leads to increased self-confidence and character strength, which are essential for meeting the team’s objectives.
Courage, Fear, and Self-Control
Leaders are frequently called upon to remain composed and exhibit courage in various challenging situations. Many individuals shy away from leadership roles because they lack the courage and show fear when tested. It is natural for fear to arise as a warning of imminent danger or threats to our well-being, as humans are self-protective beings. However, the purpose of this warning is to prompt us to take action and face the threat. Fear usually dissipates once we take action. Developed mental faculties, strong character, physical health, and determined purpose help us avoid displaying fear or allowing it to influence our actions negatively. A leader lacking courage and self-control cannot expect followership or success. The leader and the team must have confidence in the leader’s courage, self-control, and ability to make rational judgments during crises. You establish this mutual trust by consistently demonstrating self-control and sound judgment in everyday challenges. Yelling or shouting when minor issues arise reflects a lack of self-control and leads the team to question your ability to handle serious crises. Actively train yourself in self-control under challenging circumstances. Instead of avoiding trouble, which weak individuals do, seek out situations that test your nerve and judgment.
Leading by Example
A leader’s role in emergencies requires maintaining composure, even displaying a sense of humor, in the face of adversity. Stay unruffled and casual even in dangerous situations. Your team will draw strength from observing your mental attitude. They will closely watch your movements, including facial expressions, seeking reassurance. During abnormal circumstances, make a casual remark or perform a simple task naturally, indicating that you are at ease and confident. This helps your team regain their wavering confidence, as they perceive you are unafraid. In unavoidable hardships, avoid expressing annoyance or impatience. Your sarcastic acceptance of necessary conditions will unconsciously influence their behavior. This saves you from demoralizing grumbling, resistance, and general discontent. In emergencies, it is crucial to maintain perfect self-control. Remember that your team’s conduct mirrors your own. If you are excited or agitated, they will be too. Emergencies demand precise, determined, and self-controlled actions. If fear grips your heart, causing your voice to tremble and your thoughts to become confused (which happens to the best of us), disaster will likely follow if you communicate this to your team. Therefore, you must regain complete self-control before expressing anything revealing your uneasiness. Then, provide clear directions with a calm and self-assured demeanor befitting an effective leader. Clear directions bring comfort to the team and ensure steady and intelligent execution. Shouting excited and ill-advised instructions during emergencies is a common failure of inexperienced leaders. Train yourself to be the exception by remaining composed and confidently giving directions.
Preparing for Emergencies
Leaders have the opportunity to prepare themselves for emergencies through ordinary life experiences and develop the ability to know what to do and act with calm assurance. Often, an admirable bystander acts swiftly and correctly during public accidents or emergencies, while others wonder why they are not that person. Question your mental processes and understand why you did not act promptly. Learn from these situations and strive to improve for future emergencies.
The Power of Decision-Making
Effective leaders adhere to good decisions that do not require constant changes, while the tendency to make quick decisions without proper consideration often arises from ignorance. Quick decisions can be favorable if they are correct, but a good leader typically takes the time to weigh the options before deciding. In many cases, consulting the team before making a decision is beneficial. However, ultimately, the leader must make a definitive decision, clearly communicate it, and possess the strength of character to carry it out without hesitation or indecisiveness. Relying on a leader who cannot make up their mind or constantly wavers in the face of new thoughts is unbearable. If you possess any of these tendencies, observe your decision-making process and work on eliminating them. Practice during everyday moments of your life, enhance your ability to grasp essential facts in various situations, make prompt decisions, and remain committed to them despite minor distractions that may arise.
The Value of Critical Thinking
The more you contemplate the details and possibilities of your job, and the more you focus on your work, the better equipped you will be to make sound decisions quickly. When asked how he could make prompt and accurate decisions in war, Napoleon replied, “Because I am always thinking about it.” Leaders who consider the task at hand and mentally prepare themselves to provide effective direction will thrive. An effective leader possesses resourcefulness and is confident in their judgment to respond effectively to situations that require quick decision-making. You can build a reputation for this ability by planning meticulously for specific tasks and making timely decisions during their execution. To maintain this reputation, consistently reflect on your work, not just to anticipate outcomes but also to monitor progress continually.
Personal Pride
Pride is another valuable quality for leaders to leverage when managing their teams. You predominantly nurture pride by acknowledging and promptly praising outstanding achievements within your team. Once developed, pride becomes an influential factor that motivates individuals to exhibit better conduct, achieve better results, and endure hardships patiently. Building pride is a gradual process, similar to fostering discipline and morale. It arises from consistently performing excellent work recognized and grounded in a justified sense of ability and worth. Merely proclaiming that your team is the finest will not suffice. You must instill a genuine belief in their value by recognizing their good work and appropriate remarks, which others may overhear. Identify areas in which they excel and modestly express your admiration. Whenever possible, find opportunities to showcase their abilities publicly. If your team gains a reputation for excellence, talented individuals will be drawn to join, enhancing its overall quality and facilitating its continuous improvement.
Pride in the Organization
Fostering pride in the organization has a profound impact on maintaining team cohesion. It instills a sense of mutual support among team members and enables you to reap the benefits of establishing such an environment. You will witness the development of discipline and teamwork, which are crucial for everyone involved. Effective leaders always strive to evoke this sense of pride. Utilize your ingenuity and practical knowledge to help individuals find joy in performing their tasks exceptionally well and recognizing their achievements. This cultivates self-respect, commendable pride, and confidence, strengthening individual character. These are the fundamental elements of organizational spirit that you must aim to establish within your team.
Welcome to Leadership
“Welcome to Leadership” by Karl Bimshas offers a concise and helpful guide for new or aspiring leaders and managers. The book draws inspiration from a 1920 publication by Lincoln C. Andrews called “Manpower,” first designed to train inexperienced men for leadership roles after World War I. Bimshas updates and expands on Andrews’ principles and provides practical advice on how to lead well in various situations.
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